martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

The Lynxpin 
 Will be indicated by ....
characteristics that frame your face, ears long and finished in black brush. short tail with black tip and coat strewn with dark spots.
their habits are ...  
matched only keep out the mating period (late January and February) month and a half then seeks refuge in henbra takes place on the 'birth of 2 or 3 young in March or April, only she is responsible for the upbringing and training of puppies, keeping the tail lancohesión. In the ten months ended learning and become independent of the mother, coinciding with the new zeal of esta.Pueden expect to live 25 years.

 The basis of their diet is rabbit, but rtambioén influences other mammals and birds.
Viven en... 
scrub areas and mastic jars with dense cover Castilla y Leon vegetal.En still survive in the lands south of Salamanca and Avila and northwest of Zamora.

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